Monday, November 27, 2017

Blog: Next New

I based my idea off of my personal interests. For me, going to art museums or cooking was always something I loved doing. Unfortunately, I don't have much time to invest in those hobbies. It would be really neat if, in the future of new media, it would allow a room to convert into different art rooms. The art museum will have a helmet and a floor that resembles a treadmill. When you enter the room, the helmet will stimulate images as if you are walking into the museum it is set to. In the helmet it triggers certain nerves that make you think the art is real. For example, lets pretend there is an exhibit that allows you to touch it. The room itself is empty but the helmet will trigger your nerves and when you reach and "touch the object", it feels like you're touching it but you really would be scooping up air. As you walk "around the museum" the floor moves slowly like a treadmill so it seems as if you are walking on the floor towards another room, but really you're in the same room with a slow moving floor. You may also take photos of the art as you go. The phone will sync up to the helmet/room. As you take photos it will capture what you think you see and send that image to your phone. So, it stimulates a setting as if you're going to the museum but without having to wait on line and be in a crowded environment.

Tuesday, November 21, 2017

Blog: Wiki So Far

My contributions to the class wiki:


1. Food
        paragraph summary
        link for reference
2. Mobile Devices
        paragraph summary
        link for reference
3. Love
        link as reference
4. Fashion

Monday, November 20, 2017

Blog: P2P

What is file sharing?File sharing is "the practice of or ability to transmit files from one computer to another over a network or the Internet." It is uploading information of your own and being able to allow other online users to view or gain access to that information. What is P2P file sharing?P2P means peer-to-peer. Information or content that could be transferred from one user to another through a specific site that allows P2P activity. What are some examples of P2P file sharing?An example of P2P file sharing is BitTorrent, according to Digital Pirates Winning Battle With Studios by Brian Stelter, where it is a site that allows users to slowly download illegally uploaded media content for people to gain access to and download for their own use. A lot of media, such as songs, movies, and television shows, were exchanged through BitTorrent. 

Friday, November 10, 2017


Privacy & Confidentiality

A large problem with many of these new media sites and platforms that we use is that we do not proofread the consent form prior to agreeing in terms of use. That is why when we sign up and begin to use Facebook, a lot of the information we share are accessible to other companies. Our privacy is also forfeited to Facebook and mutual friends may see things you are tagged in, even if you are not their friend.

Confidentiality is also able to be breached if there are not enough protection by the company. For example, new form of data storage is cloud computing. If cloud computing is hacked many people's information can be corrupted or stolen. This is very risky if people use and trust in a company with large database that is not properly protected. Therefore, companies who have many clients or customers must have very tight security to has multiple controls over the information they handle.


I have a friend who goes to LIU Brooklyn. They have new systems and technology that allows them to film the lecture and upload it onto a specific site. Students can download these lectures as a source just in case they cannot make it and still need the information. The lecture also shows the slides as an option to aid the speaking part of the lecture. It would be really neat for Baruch to also have some form of system that allows students to rewatch and review lectures that they are not familiar with a certain topic and need to rewatch for better note taking. For example, I have a professor that is foreign. While he is a good professor, his accent on certain words are a little hard to understand from time to time. Being able to rewatch the lectures for clarity in notes would be great. Because the class is only once a week he does not take questions as often as a regular class, so it is hard to have him revisit and restate what he has already said. The class is quite fast paced. Therefore, being able to record and revisit these lectures with YouTube or any other form of new media would be a huge bonus to teacher and for our learning purposes. For example, if a professor knows they cannot make it they could have an online lecture with the students and video call in. Or he could upload a previously made video and send it to students to watch as a lesson.

Sunday, October 29, 2017

Creativity and New Media

To me, creativity in new media means for me to be able to expand my hobbies. Much like my example as discussed along with the article by Sasha, new media was able to allow artists and rising artists to be discovered and make their artistic dreams come true. For me, my dream is to become a good cook. In my version of new media, I think learning from YouTube videos or quick Instagram feeds allow me to grow my hobby. So, for my creativity project I decided to learn and attempt to crochet a small sweater. Here is the video from YouTube I learned from and the picture is my sad attempt:

Friday, October 27, 2017

HW Creativity

New media, I feel, has impacted entertainment the most. As discussed in 1+1+1=1 The New Math of Mashup by Sasha Frere Jones, referred to new media as a method for different artists to be able to come together and form new music. For example, she talks about how The Grey Album which is a mixture of Jay Z's vocals with The Beatles' White Album. She then continues to explain more examples of how many artists can come together in collaboration to make a single album. New Media is able to allow technological advancements that offer different sounds, cuts, toons, and many other factors that make a song and allow people to alter these sounds to make a new song. It also lets people to get creative. As mentioned in the article, making the music isn't the hard part. Selling the label is the hard part. So with such advancements and now able to let anyone create things at home, it offers everyone a chance to make music. For example, YouTube was a great place for many young singers to be found and become a star. Justin Bieber was a clear example of that. New media is a platform for people to develop their hobby and make it into a living dream. Even for existing stars, it allows them to work more efficiently and create new forms of music and entertainment that wasn't capable earlier.